Attractivechina Provides ZN With A Complete Set Of Automated Aluminum Wheel Coating Production Line
Long-established ZN aluminum wheel hub manufacturer invests in modernization of its coating production line. In 2019 it contracted us to install an automated painting project boasting a number of extremely efficient processes.
We beat worldwide competition during the awarding process thanks to our extremely efficient technologies producing less waste with low environmental impact. The modernization includes an automated aluminum wheel coating production line including a special paint supply and conveyor systems. The contract was awarded in 2019.Currently all ZN aluminum wheel hub are painted manually, but for the future, they will be embracing automation for the exterior painting with painting robots. With their six axes and rail, these robots are flexible enough for a number of applications.
When it came to the design of the new coating production line, the main priority was extremely high process efficiency while maintaining the high quality of the current manual spraying process. With aluminum wheel hub coated with conductive primer, one pair of robots process the application of primer and clear coat in one mixed spray booth while a second pair of robots apply the color coat in another booth.
Economical and fast: special paint supply using pigging system
The high efficiency and high quality is not only achieved through the use of robots, but also through technologies with low material consumption. To be able to provide such a variety of colors in low quantities, our special paint supply systems will be installed. These units pump the various paints to the coating production line unit in hoses – with almost zero losses reducing paint waste. Our paint supply system also minimizes cleaning material consumption and color change times compared with conventional ring line systems.
Sixty percent less energy
Our facility also helps to increase efficiency. The overspray filter system, which is extremely compact thanks to its permanently installed filter walls, offers all the advantages of dry separation. It needs neither water nor chemicals, which keeps running costs low and is kind to the environment. Up to 95 percent of the supply air can be recycled as recirculated air using this technology, which reduces energy consumption in the coating production line by more than 60 percent compared with a classic wet scrubbing system. This has a positive effect on the CO2 emissions. Our facility is easy to use and service. Once the filters are saturated, they can be replaced during the production breaks or at weekends.
The new ZN aluminum wheel hub body painting facility is scheduled to be commissioned in 2022.